vmdebug PHP 5.4
vmdebug Show All Errors
vmdebug LangCount: 1 $siteLang: de-DE self::$vmlangSef: de self::$_jpConfig->lang de_de DefLang de_de
vmdebug vmTime: time to load config: 0.00303006172180176
vmdebug Use setMenuItemId
vmdebug Start used Ram 10.5M
vmdebug getVendorId normal shopper
vmdebug Created new cart
vmdebug Created new Calculator Instance
vmdebug isSuperVendor Not a vendor
vmdebug vmTime: Time consumed for shipment/payment plugins: 2.38418579101562E-5
vmdebug shipmentmethod Aucun = TRUE for variable weight = 0 Reason: no boundary conditions set
vmdebug shipmentmethod Aucun = TRUE for variable order amount = 0 Reason: no boundary conditions set
vmdebug shipmentmethod Aucun = TRUE for variable zip = 0 Reason: no boundary conditions set
vmdebug shipmentmethod Aucun = TRUE for variable virtuemart_country_id = 0, Reason: Countries in rule or none set
vmdebug Your template settings are old, please check your template settings in the vm config and in your categories
vmdebug End used Ram 24.25M
vmdebug Peak memory peak 24.25M
vmdebug vmTime: vm view Finished task : 0.184246063232422